Crystal Tiger Crystal animal Crystal Golden Tiger

Crystal animal crystal is a man-made materials made K9. Crystal clear. This product is expected from the election to the finished product is completed after a series of complex processes. Molding is not a type. And multi-channel process which is made by hand, with highly technical content, to reflect the spirit of a noble art. Friends of your gifts / business / setting / self-possession of first choice. Crystal is as holy and energy permit, good fortune and misfortunes, bless peace, the token is a symbol of purity. This crystal crafts from a number of outstanding design, production personnel research produced. Sophisticated materials, pure hand-made, unique and elegant style, high-grade hardcover, with a strong cultural connotation and great taste, it is not put it down. Can appreciate works of art, collectors, but also a variety of business, convention, festival and various foreign exchange ideal souvenir gift.