Crystal Lotus is expected to lead well-crafted from crystal. Leaded crystal material is a material with excellent performance, and its light transmission, refractive index effects, the hardness and texture are very good, and even more pure than the natural crystal, and better color. After polishing, fine carving a variety of shapes after the high-grade crystal block, crystal bright, dazzling, feel heavy, light can be transmitted through the magnificent colorful light. Crystal auspicious meaning in peace, harmony and purity, can bring good luck, wealth and success,
After the advent of Buddhism, Buddhists have also been taken to Lotus for the main symbol of Buddhism. It is said that later became the Buddha, Prince Siddhartha was born immediately after taking a seven-step Shimoji, step by step lotus Health. So Lotus has become a symbol of his birth. From around the first century AD, the statue of the Buddha is often already in the Mid Seated on, he's sitting, or sitting or for auspicious lotus sitting, as a Buddhist monk sitting in meditation at the time of a typical method. The Nikkei in accordance with the interpretation of large, "the right to left foot, right foot at the left, to be called to sit lotus; one foot forward to right, to be called good fortune to sit." Buddhists believe that the lotus cultivation to the extent of reaction that sincere Buddhist monks, then the West Lotus Health Qibao a pool that is if we can improve, their flowers become large, lazy back, then drop their flowers wilt. Also believe that: "the heavens and the larva of mosquito fly people like peristalsis, brake Buddha's death, and are in the lotus pond of Qibao